Thursday 15 August 2013

“Hunt for MTV World Stage Insider”

Hi everyone , just an FYI , this is a blog entry for a competition called "Hunt for MTV World Stage Insider" . 

What makes me right for this role ? Well , I a daily user of Twitter , Instagram & also Facebook . No matter where I go , I always seem to have the time to tweet , post a picture on Instagram or a status on Facebook . I actually post about minimum 3 photos a day on Instagram and I also tweet more than 50 tweets a day on Twitter , so I bet you could prolly call me a spammer now .

Other than my social media craziness , I'm also very sociable in any type of situation . I actually really enjoy socializing with many different types of people . I'm definitely not the type who beats 'round the bush & who's shy when they meet new people . I can just easily approach people & just , have a decent conversation or even make friends with them . 

Music . Music has always been a huuuuuuuge part of my life since I was little . My family was a big family that was OBSESSED with singing and also karaoke-ing . Every single house of every family had at least ONE karaoke set . So ever since then , I also started having interest in singing & of course , music . Joined an international choir , as well as my very own high school choir *winks* Highlight of my life , really . 

Ever since my house got Astro , MTV was practically an obsession . Whenever no one was around at home , I'd just sit there and watch MTV all day . It didn't matter if it was just MTV Hits on for 4 straight hours , I'd be having my very own dancing party in the living room , the music full-on blast . I just loved MTV for all the music they played & also for exposing me to so many different types of music that I never knew existed . It wasn't just MTV Hits that got me hooked on the channel , it was also all the lifestyle shows that they had like Catfish . I'm OBSESSED with Catfish . 

Every year when MTV World Stage comes to Malaysia , my Twitter timeline would be filled , no actually FLOODED with people just wanting to know what the performers will be wearing , what they'll be performing , any special additions to the set & so on . I've also wondered the same questions , every year myself . If I got chosen , I'd be able to feed the hungry MTV World Stage goers one what they SHOULD know & maybe just leave them at some suspense . & also I would even tweet , post pictures & post Facebook updates about the event that would so totally make those who didn't want to go at first , wanna go so bad . 

MTV is not only about the music & lifestyle , its also about FASHION *heaven's angels sing* . Do I REALLY need to explain to you why fashion is a big part of me ? I think my whole blog can explain how passionate I am about fashion . I could be admitted in a mental hospital for being so obsessed with fashion . I , live & breathe fashion . 

What more can I say but , I am made , yes , MADE for this role of the MTV World Stage Insider . 

Please , pleaaaaaaaaaaase pick me I just omg I can't even hold in how much I want to be the Chosen One . Cheh so Harry Potter-ish . Haha but yeah , just the chance to work with the crew would be an amazing experience & just something I could remember forever & hope to live to tell my grandchildren . 

Till then ,


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