Friday 23 August 2013

Chapter 53 : Semester 1 is D O N E .

Good day my little munchkins ! Referring to the title above , yes my first semester as a student at Tunku Abdul Rahman College University is now over . Its amazing how fast time flies . I remember like it was just yesterday that I was in my room back home crying a bloody river , wait no actually it was much more like this : 

Yes , I cried a friggin' Niagara Falls . Anyway , after awhile when I finally stayed here for a couple of weeks , I realized that y dad was right . College is really the best chapter . I've met so many different people that have different personalities , different stories & backgrounds but yet , we all seem to fall into place with each other . 

My orientation group & I , till this very day are still tight as heck . When I thought that my college life would be boring , spending my nights in my room , I was wrong , dead wrong . My nights were spent over mugs of teh tarik & roti cheese , laughs , crazy bike rides during the wee hours of the morning to Kampar Old Town & so much more crazy ass stuff .

Other than crazy nights , I went through so much during this first semester . I had culture shock due to being in an all-Chinese environment . Also went through an emotional breakdown due to a break up . Whole lot of emotional shit was going down . 

I made so many friends that I will be keeping for a long time coming even though we're all from different states all over Malaysia . I can't wait to visit them hopefully sometime this semester break especially Johor if everything goes well . It would be an amazing opportunity to know Malaysia . Cheh but its true , I really want to explore every inch of Malaysia .

A few special shots : 

Why am I so fat -____________________-

First ever presentation :B

Orientation Night 

Spendin' nights indoors with our phones & laptops 

Sorry for the rough ass pictures but I love these pictures . There are so many more but it would make this whole post a novel . I've loved & hated my first semester , but I'm sure that I'll definitely love the next few semesters . Memories that were made & the people that I've met , will be dearly remembered . 

I'm sure many people from my college are reading this & I'd like to thank you for everything . I'm glad to have met & known you . & also if this is your last semester , I'll miss you all cause I definitely had some good times with you . I hope our paths cross once again . My journey is just beginning & I just can't wait to start . 

Till then ,

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