Friday 9 August 2013

Chapter 52 : Testin' the waters

Hello you Rendang loving people ! If you don't like rendang , I just , haih I don't know . Haha . Hope everyone's having a wonderful holiday , spendin' time with your loved ones & good food . I'm spending my holidays working at Baskin Robbin's filling in for the employee's that are on leave due to Hari Raya . It's pretty fun serving ice cream to people , spreadin' happiness to everyone I serve even though I should be cranky as hell cause my feet hurt like mad from standing for like about 10 hours straight . I can't even move right now . No actually , I just DON'T want to move . So please , don't ask me to walk/move anywhere for right now ok ? I'd like to be right here , blogging on my soft bed & cold air-conditioning . I am blessed . 

Moving on , have I mentioned how much I've been wanting to turn my style up a notch ? I haven't ? Well , I have been wanting to . I've been so bored of my clothes lately that just says "I like to be sort of girly but I don't" . I don't actually like being girly whirly , I just like being , ME . But just because I said I want to turn my style up a notch doesn't mean I'm gonna change 100% . Just want to test the waters & see what works , y'know ? Its kinda boring being the same all the time . 

So I actually DID test the waters , & honestly , I loved it . It was fun & different . From the title above , can you guess what type of look I went for ?  

 I went for a sort-of rocker chick look . Yeah , with the boots . I've been eyeing those boots for a really long time okay . I lalalalalalalalove them ish its so beautiful I could idk cry I guess . 

I went all out , BLACK . No la , not with the black lipstick la . Woi . I'm not gothic or emo or wtv . I meant my top , pants , shoes & half of my bag was black . You know I just love black . 

I just HAD to get my mum to take pictures of me even though I don't really look good in like pictures people take of me . Heh . 

Close up wooooo ~

I think I've improved my so-called modelling skills , lol no I'm horrible at this but hey , I'm doing what I love which is fashion & I just love sharing it with all of you :B *awwww* Hahaha 

I'm not sure why but I just adore this outfit . It looks so.... cool . HAHA . I mean really la , I don't always test the waters , but when I do , I find it to be very fruitful and fun . I can't wait to do it again . 

Oh right okay . There are two special elements to this outfit . Firstly , the boots . Inspired by Stylenanda from Agape Boutique . As I've said before , I've been eyeing these boots for so long but always never seemed to finally purchase it cause I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to pull it off cause as you can SEE I'm so freakin' short . Its just ugh . But it didn't turn out to be so bad yay me . Agape Boutique is one of the most famous online store that sells an incredible collection of imported shoes that are definitely high quality . I've already ordered tons from them before , they've never failed me ! :D 

Secondly , WHO'S IN LOVE WITH MY WOLF TOP LIKE ME ? Its just so creepy yet cool . Makes my whole outfit even more grungier than ever . Rocker chick , hello ! I got this top from an Instagram/FB shop called Dreamz Couture ((link & unsername will be below as usual)) . They're selling tons of amazing clothes & shoes that are definitely & of course high quality . The shirt I got was just superbly comfy & just super nice to wear out . You obsessed with Korean fashion like me ? DreamzCouture is a shop you NEED to check out A S A P ! 

Agape Boutique :

Website : Agape Boutique
Facebook Page : Agape Boutique

Dreamz Couture : 

Instagram : @dreamzcouture18
Facebook Page : Dreamz Couture

Till then , 


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