Wednesday 7 August 2013

Chapter 51 : Floral creepers , I love .

Hello ! Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims & happy holidays to the non-Muslims ! To those who are heading back to their hometowns , do be careful on the road & have fun ! By the way , do send me some Rendang & Lemang to me because I've been craving for them for a really long long time T.T

So my Raya holidays has started & it started off pretty well . I arrived home to find packages for yours truly . The minute I spotted them in the living room , I immediately rushed to open them . And guess what one of them were ? MY FIRST EVER CREEPERS !!!! & did I mention they're FLORAL CREEPERS ?! :D I'm so happy I just teehee :D

And today I got to wear them out ! I never really had printed shoes before , I mean like really bold prints . Not even my sneakers had prints . I always thought it would be super hard to match , but apparently it wasn't THAT hard at all . I decided to go for a really simple outfit since I wanted the attention on my shoes . They're just so pretty *sigh*

Wait la I'll tell you where I got my shoes from . I'm getting there :P

I was really happy with my outfit & especially my creepers obviously , I just couldn't stop admiring them ! I felt so much happiness . I went out to The Curve today to accompany my mum cause she had some sort of meeting that lasted like idk 5 hours (omg) so I had to wait , ALONE . But I didn't really mind . I walked around mindlessly & talked to an old friend on the phone till my mum called me to meet her . 

Its all good . REAL good . 

Credits to my mums Samsung Note 2 . She insisted on using here phone to take my photos cause its high definition :B But idk why when its on my blog its sort of blurry but I guess its cause I chose it to be extra large so yeah ok 

Do you like my shoes ? Head on over to @humanlovefashion on Instagram to find out more about these pair of floral creepers & also other types of shoes . They have a huuuuuuge range of fashionable shoes , from sneakers to creepers to heels to ballerina flats ! & also their prices are super low ! Guess how much the floral creepers cost ? RM45 ! OH I forgot , all prices are included of postage only for West Malaysia addresses . So yes ! I got my floral creepers for only , yes ONLY RM45 INCLUDING POSTAGE ! *screams* Now tell me , how freaking awesome is that ? Hurry up and place your orders with @humanlovefashion today ! Also , the owner is really a nice person & is willing to assist you if you aren't sure of your sizing & stuff . So don't hesitate to ask questions about the pretty shoes okay ? :D Can't wait to get more shoes from them soon *evil laugh*

Instagram : / @humanlovefashion

Outfit info : 
Bag from Glossy Addiction
Oxblood Velvet Skater Dress from Trendy Bellaz
Denim Ombre Button Up from Forever 21 
Floral Creepers from humanlovefashion

Till then , 

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