Saturday 2 November 2013

Chapter 65 : 3ConceptEyes x Lip Marker in Pink

Hello my loves ! I know I promised you another review of a 3CE product that I also got together with the 3CE 501 Bella lipstick that I've already reviewed which you can check out HERE if you haven't read about it yet . Today's review will be about a product which is mainly called the lip marker & I got it in pink ^^ Big shocker there right ? No ? Ok fine .

The 3CE Lip Marker's come in three wonderful colors , which are Red , Pink & Orange ! 

 As I've said before , Orange isn't really my color & I've sort of had enough of red lipsticks & lip markers . 

Although my lips are already naturally pink ((HEHE)) , I decided to enhance my natural pink lips with the pink lip marker , & it worked !


 It actually made my lips a really nice shade of pink . I love love LOVE this shade of pink cause it doesn't really have that SUPER INTENSE look . 

I do advise you to put on more layers for it to be more obvious so they'll make your lips all noticeable . But I do think that having to put on tons of layers will make my lip marker run out super fast ):

There is one thing I don't like about lip markers : 

To avoid your lips being all dried out , add on some lipbalm AFTER the lip marker . DO NOT USE THE LIP BALM FIRST ! Why ? Due to all lipbalms being oil-based , it will spoil the head of the marker . You wouldn't want to spoil your expensive 3CE Lip Marker or any type of lip markers now would you ? ;) 

Want to know where I got my 3CE products ? Check out my previous 3CE review HERE to find out ! :D

Till then , 


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