Saturday, 17 January 2015

Chapter 95 : 5.33AM & My Thoughts

My sleeping pattern has really gotten out of hand & has me watching Castle on online streaming . My semester break has had better starts . 

Though this might be a bad thing for my health & especially my skin , it made me think about tons of things like my studies , lifestyle & everything else which makes me have a huge migraine .

They say its not good to overthink but don't you think that there is a good side to overthinking ? I mean , you think about your mistakes & somehow vow to improve them . 

We've all made resolutions , promises & vows to ourselves . Pretty much every single day . But are they merely JUST resolutions , promises & vows ? What ever happened to keeping them , taking them seriously ? 

2013 & 2014 has really changed me & how I think about things . 

There were bad times & good times . 

I'll be honest with you . 

I was the type to never take care of myself . Everyone came first . Even the ones that didn't actually matter or the ones who didn't give two shits about me . 

I realized how this affected me . & I bloody hated it . I hated myself for putting those who didn't matter first . It resulted to my unwell being & scarring myself . 

So I decided to change things . I left those who just didn't give two shits about me & the ones who I wanted to keep in my life but they didn't want to stay in my life .

They were basically bad for my health . 

I started taking care of myself . I started putting myself first , not in a selfish way of course . 

Sometimes us humans can't help it . We just have the want or need to just , put others first . Family & real friends of course are an exceptions . They're the ones who keep us in place , on the right track . 

Bottom line , learn to love & take care of yourself first before you can love & take care of others . 

& I'm doing just fine by doing so . 

Till then , 


P/S : more beauty posts coming your way ! 

P/PS : I would just like to thank those who have continuously kept up with my blog & encouraging me to keep going . I love you all to death x

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