Friday 20 September 2013

Chapter 59 : 18 & legal ((FINALLY))

Can I get a WOOT WOOT ? Yes , I am FINALLY 18 & LEGAL people ! I have managed to make this birthday week amaze-balls . I met my long time bestfriends Thilaka & Nadhine & a really good friend of mine , Tiera . For some reason on Wednesday , everyone wanted to pay for me T___T which is a good thing but I was like so.... pai seh hahahahaha . 

Today is the 20th September , a Friday . What did I do on my birthday ? I went to Sunway to hang out with the bestfriends & also to get my hair done . Wait ah , I actually would like to talk about my hair first if you don't mind . One by one ! I left the house with mummy to eat breakfast then left for Sunway to make it in time for my 11am appointment at Thomas & Guys . 

I've been wanting to dye my hair to cover up my horrible roots & change the color of my hair . Brown is terribly overrated okay & I am just so bored of my hair . So I decided to try something 'new' . 

I went from THIS : 

To THIS : 

Almond brown to red-violet . I so totally LOVE my hair right now . Change is good ! I also asked the lady who did my hair to cut off about 2 inches of my hair just cause I felt like I needed a trim . 

In the midst of my hair getting rinsed , Ilyadin came by to see me then Thilaka came & started gushing over my new hair color . So we went into Sunway Pyramid , walked around a bit & Arjun came along . Ilyadin had a class to attend to so he didn't join us for lunch . Arjun suggested Ole-Ole Bali so there was where we had lunch .

Yay to awesome food ! It was delish :B 

Thilaka didn't really like her salad cause it was sweet . So we went to a new version of Secret Recipe that serves only vegetarian food & all organic ! It was a first for me , I only tried the cakes .

LOL candid photo of me happily making my tea :D

The cake I tried was the Macadamia Cheesecake that was so heavenly ! Too bad its too fattening ): 
Nadhine showed up at around 4.30 & we had the best time talking & laughing . After Thilaka finished up her vegan dish which had 'fake meat' in it which is like made of mushrooms & whatever else , we headed to Haagen Dazs for an ice cream session ! 

Yes as expected , we had the fondue ! :D

Omg all that ice cream , brownies , strawberries & etc stuffed me like a stuffed turkey ! I'm still full up till now D: 

Thilaka & Arjun left at 6pm so Nadhine & I stayed to shop . We went to almost every cosmetic store there was & started gushing over lipsticks & new products by amazing brands . We went cray-cray . We also had much girl talk like we used to . How much I miss the good old days in high school . 

Thats pretty much it . I'm super tired right now so sorry for like the shitty blogging hahahahaha 

Here's my OOTD : 

As usual my hair is STILL a darn mess -____-

I'm superbly in love with my new tribal cardigan from Velvet Strings ! Check their blogshop out ! 

I had the one of the best birthdays ever today & I owe it all to my family & friends for making it special by just making time to hang out with me . I love you all :B 

Till then , 


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