Thursday 11 July 2013

Chapter 48 : Head accessories !

Hey everyone ! Sorry for being so MIA but I've been really busy lately with presentations & also assignments . I'm now finally free (temporarily) till my next presentation & final exam . 

Now , if you are following me on Instagram , you would probably know how obsessed I've been with head accessories . There are many head accessories around but my absolute favorite is the headpiece . I've been dying to wear them since forever but my hair has always been too short for that kinda thing . But NOW , my hair is longer & at the perfect length for headpieces . 

The headpieces I have sort of reminds me of fairies & mystical yet graceful type of thing . It also differs from the usual head accessories like hats & headbands . 

Here's two photos of me camwhoring with my headpieces lol : 

I actually have another one that is actually a turban headband which is totally GORGEOUS cause it has like a crystal flower on it but I haven't had the chance to wear it yet but I will very soon hehe . Do you like my latest obsession ? Whats your favorite head accessory ? Leave a comment below & let me know ! ;) 

Psst ! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to get the latest before I even blog about it ! ;) 

Till then , 

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