Sunday, 16 February 2014

Chapter 71 : Style

Again , I must apologize for being so shitty at updating my blog . 

Let this sink in for a bit : 

Once you've understand that statement , do realize that STYLE is something you create on your own , not something you've just taken off a rack in your favorite store . 

STYLE & FASHION are two very different things . 

STYLE is something that you are mostly known for , dressing in a particular manner like say maybe you have a classy style or a grungy style or maybe you're into the hipster kind of style . STYLE if you may , is really an overall look . Like how Chanel has a different style , Marc Jacobs has a different style & so on .

FASHION on the other hand , as above , can be bought . You follow trends , you buy the most latest clothes . Thats FASHION . Thats why shows in the fashion world are called FASHION shows , not STYLE shows . 


But do keep in mind that style is never certain until a certain point .

Like me ; 

  • I like black 80% of the time but I still like having some colour 
  • I like sneakers more but I'm fond of pretty lady-like shoes 
  • I like plain & bold outfits but still fancy pretty prints 
  • I'm not girly but there are times I find it fun to just BE girly 
See my point ? Style is a thing where only after awhile when you KNOW what you LIKE & you KNOW what you DON'T like overall . It does take time to figure out your personal style so thats why I just love exploring different kinds of styles . 

Type of styles :

  • Korean
  • Classy
  • Clean
  • Grungy
  • Hipster
  • Girly 
& etc . 

Is my explanation clear ? HAHA idk man I'm trying my best . 

Tbh , I'm still searching for my personal style . I guess once I grow a little more in knowledge & maturity & age ((ugh)) , I will finally make up my mind . But then again , uncertainty is prolly the most fun of all . Gah its all so exciting don't you think ? 

But I do adore one style in particular that I try to achieve which is CLASSY . This type of style does really cost a lot to maintain hahahahahahahahaha my dad would kill me if he knew I was into Chanel & etc omg . Haih we asians are too short for Chanel don't you think haih sedihnya .

Below are some examples of styles , ENJOY ! 


AND THIS ^ *cries*

So , whats your personal style ? ;-)

That's all for today ! Oh did I mention I went to Bali , Indonesia during Chinese New Year ? Await that update which might take some time cause I'm having a hard time transferring the photos into my laptop , haih .

Till then , 


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